Lady Magpie

Welcome. Please make sure to check
my TOS before proceeding.

Terms of Service

- Only PayPal, in EUR ( please convert it ). I will keep the prices updated to be as close as I can to the correct amount with the current value of money.
- Do not pass it as your own, credit me where you use the art as well as if you pass it onto a new owner. Do not remove my watermark.
- The good is IMMATERIAL. There will be no refund once it is fully done and delivered ( = sent ). I’ll keep you updated on the progess so you may add directions and corrections but only at the sketch stage, or color stage if a special color pallet is used.
- DO NOT pay paypal’s fees, money above the amount fixed is considered a tip, do verify the amount you enter ! (I’m making invoices).
- The art is for private uses only (we can discuss about it though!).
-You must pay before I start the work. If after 72h the invoice isn’t paid, the commission will be cancelled (I don’t want to occupy a slot for someone who's not responding).
- I have limited slots, which will lead to a queue : you will be asked to pay only when I start the commission.

[ OPEN ]

My Commissions | ART

You will find my prices with the type attached to it.
- +10 EUR for each added character
- +10 EUR for complexity
- +20 EUR for Complex Background


My Commissions | ANIMATION

Animations' price is hourly based : 23EUR/h
Unless it's a YCH whereas prices will be set before hand (bidding, ect.)

My contacts

You can contact me via the links below if interested.